Hidden in Daylight is a series that showcases carefully chosen blooming plants representing certain characteristics to remain. It is dealing with the darkness of times, internal and external.
I express it through what I know the most which is nature. The strong contrasts and serence lights come from the darkness but they reflect hopes. 

When the world around you has gotten very dark and you find the strenght to be alone, you begin to listen differently,
see the organic and unexpected in your surroundings, and see the incomprehensible beauty of the world in everything.
Old ingrained thoughts either reappear in new forms or fade away. 
Dreams grow simpler, and you wake up smiling. It is a precarious structure.
You pay for it with fear of the unknown and sudden panic - a whisper in the darkness - but a promise of light.

Bluebell, a flower of gratitude.
As the sun rises over the trees, the forest awakes not with yawns, but with an opening of eyes in calm, waiting to soften.

Oil on canvas,natural pigments, 75x65cm, 2024

White Iris, a flower of hope.
For a moment its tranquil shade evokes sentiments of hope, trust and faith by reflecting the serenity of moments of days and nights merge.
Oil on canvas,natural pigments, 75x65cm, 2024

Daffodil, a flower of resilience.
A grief that was, and a sorrow continues to spark but not consume the heart.

Oil on canvas,natural pigments, 75x65cm, 2024

White Orchid, a flower of purity.
In simplicity it catches fro its pursuit of truth, the bravery to stand out, and the capacity to recognise the beauty around.

Oil on canvas,natural pigments, 75x65cm, 2024

Primrose, a flower of patience.
The strenght to wait for what is right, takes a while before you begin to listen differently, see the organix and unexpencted changes with incomprehensible beauty in it. From a place of hopelessness to one of belief.

Oil on canvas,natural pigments, 75x65cm, 2024

Peony, a flower of healing.
Oil on canvas,natural pigments, 75x65cm, 2024

Discovering hidden in the daylight soil full of treasures and life, calms the mind the one who wondered this way. The tactility and the fragrance are easily recognisable and recalled. Memories circle back to become the present.

Oil on canvas,natural pigments, 100 x 135 cm, 2024

Photography: Nas Hosen