The Persistent Afterimage

Stare into the maxed out brightness of the screen or the sun shape, withholding the gaze the surrounding immediately becomes darker and with closing eyes, the optical echo of the screen will remain. Focused on the afterimage that arises from the residual activity, retaining light after the source is gone. The paintings are generated images of such a situation's memories. And as painting medium is flattened, reproduced, edited, and distributed across multiple systems and devices, the blur posses its metaphorical dimension.

Graduation work at Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, 2021 Click here to see

acrylic on canvas, 130x 120, 2021

acrylic on canvas,80 x 100, 2021

acrylic on canvas, 45x40cm, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 45x40cm, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 45x40cm, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 45x40cm, 2021

acrylic on canvas,100x 120, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 70x 50cm, 2021

acrylic on canvas, 130x 120; studio lamp with gel light filters, 2021

acrylic on canvas,50x70cm, 2021

acrylic on canvas,40x45cm, 2021

Photography Maria Kniaginin-Ciszewska

acrylic on canvas,40x45cm, 2021

acrylic on canvas,40x45cm, 2021

acrylic on canvas, 120x130cm, 2021